As you step into the cozy confines of the town’s quaint post office, the creaking of the wooden door echoes softly in the air. Your gaze is immediately drawn to a colossal guestbook sitting atop a polished mahogany desk. Hovering gracefully above it is a pixie, her soft glow casting a warm ambiance throughout the room. She flutters with excitement as you approach.
“Greetings, esteemed traveler! Your arrival is a welcomed breeze in our peaceful town. Would you be inclined to leave an indelible mark within the pages of our cherished guestbook? Your name and a heartfelt message shall forever grace the tales of those who venture through Satyadasa.”
Her enthusiastic charm becons you closer, inviting you to contribute to the rich tapestry of stories woven by fellow wanderers who’ve passed through this magical enclave. ✨
Thank you for your continued hard work on the Free Speech Webring and promoting the small web!
Aw, thank you so much Mero! ♥ This is a movement I really love and believe in and want to see continue to grow. 🙂 I am happy to contribute however I can!
why are there so many AI generated images plastered all over this site?
Because it is my personal website and I can put whatever I want to on it. Hope that answers your question. Now take your negative energy elsewhere and have the day you deserve. (:
And for anyone else who may want to address questions regarding the use of AI imagery on my website, there are far more respectful ways to approach this topic that I’d be more than happy to answer. But if you want to come here and address it with bad energy such as cherrypie here, don’t be surprised when your energy is mirrored right back at you. I owe no one an explanation as to how I run my website and what I choose to share on here. This website is mine to decorate however I’d like to, whether you approve of how I do so or not. Don’t like it? There’s the door. 👋 Don’t let it hit you on the way out.