As you step into the cozy confines of the town’s quaint post office, the creaking of the wooden door echoes softly in the air. Your gaze is immediately drawn to a colossal guestbook sitting atop a polished mahogany desk. Hovering gracefully above it is a pixie, her soft glow casting a warm ambiance throughout the room. She flutters with excitement as you approach.
“Greetings, esteemed traveler! Your arrival is a welcomed breeze in our peaceful town. Would you be inclined to leave an indelible mark within the pages of our cherished guestbook? Your name and a heartfelt message shall forever grace the tales of those who venture through Satyadasa.”
Her enthusiastic charm becons you closer, inviting you to contribute to the rich tapestry of stories woven by fellow wanderers who’ve passed through this magical enclave.
The scanlines effect is really disrupting my ability to read this website, it’s giving me headaches! Please make an option to turn it off.
Hey Hornwitser! That’s for your feedback. I’ll look into implementing an option to turn it off next chance I get. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
been crawling your site all day when i have the time. thank you for this space. i’d also love to talk about and encourage more people to make personal sites.
Hey chxshire! Thank you so much for your sweet message and your neighbor request (I’ve added you back on my Neighbors page btw)! I think that is so awesome that you want to help get the word out! This is a movement I’ve become so passionate about the past couple years and as social media and the web continues to decline in various ways, I think we’ll see more and more people looking for other alternatives. The biggest thing I think is using social media to our advantage right now. As much as many of us hate it, that’s where the majority of people are at so that’s where we’ll be most effective sharing about it and enticing people to explore this movement more.
I don’t really use much social media anymore outside of Facebook, primarily because my friends and family are still on it and everyone local to me uses Marketplace. But since I’m there, I made a separate page just for the Small Web to ‘market’ it, helping people discover it. Daily posts showcasing various personal sites, sharing relevant informative blog posts, like how to get started making a site, etc. Are you looking to start up something similar?
hey there, thanks for the open resources! awesome website too!
Thanks so much, Sam! I’m am glad my site could be helpful to you. 🙂 Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
Hiya! Just popping in ’cause I saw the new section of your site for the smallweb and I love it!
Hey Kzuich! Thanks a bunch for the feedback! I’m hoping to grow it even more still and make it more interactive and easy to learn for new comers. 🙂 Still a work in progress, but the foundation’s laid! Thanks so much for stopping by! 😀 I hope you’re having a lovely autumn thus far. ♥
Thank you! It’s been a very warm October, but hopefully fall is just around the corner in November for us! ^^;
I also have to say I LOVE the fall colors and aesthetic on your site right now! Your site is just so gorgeous and well put-together- the graphics and colors and all of it are looking fantastic! 😀 It’s making me want to try my hand at working on some more themes. (I’m just glad I finally got around to implementing a guestbook, so…baby steps!)
Have an awesome day!
Ahh thank you! I just changed it over the last few days! Autumn is my favorite season. ♥ You should totally play around with theming if you’re feeling up to it! It’s a fun creative thing to do and helps keep sites fresh I find. I often find myself itching to change things up with the change of the seasons. xD
That’s awesome you’ve got your guestbook up. I’ll come leave a message for you! Let me know once you’ve got yourself a button too and I’ll add you to my neighbors page on my Cottage subdomain. 🙂 If you’d like, I’d be happy to make a button for you if you want one!