Lots of updates since the last post!
- No longer using a VPS. Too many difficulties getting properly federated, it just wasn’t worth the cost of renting a VPS for a year. So I switched to a better plan and got two years hosting out of it.
- Removed the Anonymous Ask feature. It wasn’t getting used so no point in keeping it and having it take up extra space. There are already several interactive features on my site, such as the guestbook, contact page, and text wall, so it was kind of redundant anyways.
- Using a new poll system that saves space. Also posted a new poll.
- Created an Activity Feed section which better functions as a microblog. Status Cafe is great for really short, quick updates, but I wanted a space I could post ramblings that didn’t quite make sense to have an entire blog post for. I’m really happy with this feature and use it a lot now!
- Finished the Web Revival page, finally got the Fediverse tab mostly finished. At some point I really want to redo the ‘Resources’ tab and the ‘Getting Started’ tab to be a lot more beginner friendly for folks who are discovering the small web and making a website for the first time. It’ll be something I gradually work on.
- Still working on the Social Media page. Want to try and get all my social media feeds in one place.
- Working on de-googling my site completely. Removed their recaptcha feature for a different one.
- Added an interactive photo gallery to my secret section. Will be adding one to my Social Media page too at some point, probably.
- Made some changes to the Clubhouse, it’s no longer part of the main page and has a page of its own again in the top menu.
- Lastly, I’m so pleased to share that the Free Speech Webring and The Book Ring have been gaining traction! Several new members in each of those rings and it really warms my heart to see there are other people who want to be part of them. 🙂 Thank you to everyone who’s applied and helped get both of these rings off the ground!
That’s pretty well it a think. A few other minor changes here and there but this sums most of it up. Happy Holidays!