Been a little slow updating lately. Haven’t felt motivated to be too active the last few months so I’ve been taking a bit of a hiatus and doing webring maintenance about once or twice a month as opposed to every few days. Today I’m feeling an itch to work on my beautiful home on the internet, and thus, updates are finally happening!
- New webrings I’ve recently joined have been added to the landing page. The webring container has also been modified for better display.
- I’ve changed the title of my fictional magical cat persona to being a monarch instead of a mayor as I feel like it fits better with the medieval theme of my fictional world. There might be a few places where I’ve forgotten to update the title, so if it isn’t changed yet it some areas it will be eventually.
- Updated the wording on the landing page to better align with changes I’ve recently made. I used to have three “paths” to navigate between the different sections of my site (town, cottage, and treehouse). That has been changed to two (town and cottage) awhile ago as I’m undecided on if I want to expand my site further or not. I do have some side projects but it’s been slow going and again, just undecided on what I really want to do with it all yet.
- Updated my webring application pages – removed the estimated submission wait times as I’ve been a bit slow adding new members. The wait time to be added to the ring was previously 1-3 days, but for now, it might take longer. I’ve been pretty good with making it a point to update the members list 1-2 times per month at minimum while I haven’t been as active around here, so if you’ve recently requested to join one of the rings and have been waiting awhile, hang in there. The rings aren’t inactive and the lack of response doesn’t mean you’ve been rejected, I’m just slow. I will let folks know either way if they’ve been accepted in the rings or rejected, so no answer means I just haven’t had a chance to review it yet.
- Added a Gaming Room to the Cottage section of my website, which showcases my favorite games, Steam wishlist, and more.
- I have added protected areas to the Interactive Text Wall of my Cottage so that messages that were left there in the past can no longer be edited or removed. Folks can still leave messages in the white spaces, but the grey spaces can not be typed into.
Not sure how active I’ll continue to be. I love my site but I never want to put pressure on myself to work on it if I’m just not feeling up to it, because I think that’s when the love for it will start to die and I don’t want to quit altogether. I think in part this is why I’m also hesitant to start an internet café forum now, because it will be a lot of work to maintain and keep active and I just don’t really trust that I’ll have the motivation to do it or keep it up. At least, not right now. But an update here and an update there on my site when I feel like it, making small improvements over time when inspiration strikes I think is for the best. After all, this project has always been personal, for fun, and for my own enjoyment before anyone else’s, though, while I do hope the resources I share here offer value and can help people, it’s not the ultimate purpose of this site and it is first and foremost mine before it is anyone elses. I really do love my site and have put a lot of love into it, I just need to not put pressure on myself to work on it if I’m not feeling up to it. ♥
Anyhow, thanks for reading and seeing what’s new around here! Hope everyone is doing well. 🙂
No pressure! I’ve been feeling kinda similarly toward my own site, although I do have a pretty big Game Dev Log update in the works. More just that lots of stuff’s been happening IRL lately for me and it puts the site at a lower priority.
That’s so exciting that you’re working on a game! Game dev is so much fun and creative. I dabbled in it for a bit but my attention span was too all over the place to commit. XD I’m excited though to keep up with your progress! But yeah, sometimes life just gets in the way and we go through different seasons. It’s nice that we have our online spaces to come back to when the mood strikes. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Jade! It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. ♥