Lots of changes to report! I’ll cover them all and planned changes here.
- Changed the site structure and added subdomains in preparation for expansion.
- The primary domain (thecozy.cat) is being used as the front page that leads you to the various subdomains, as well as where all the webrings I’m part of are housed.
- SIte is designed to be somewhat like a fantasy visual novel with plans to add more interactive conversations with “NPCs” down the road.
- Because of this structural change, RSS feeds have changed so if you’re subscribed to any of my RSS feeds, please be sure to update your feeds to the new URLS.
- The Book Ring and Free Speech Webrings (on Neocities) are going to soon be redesigned to flow with the theme of my website. Additionally, The Book Ring is going to soon be moved over to Library.Marigold.Town (with a re-direct from the current neocities URL), which I will also roleplay it in connection with my own town (ex. Marigold Town being the next town over, or something along those lines). Once it’s officially moved over, I recommend all webring members update their webring widgets, though, this isn’t totally necessary. The webring itself will still work and there will be a redirection to point to Marigold.Town for the directory. This should make this transition as smooth as possible.
- All of my personal pages are now housed in the Cottage subdomain of my website. If it’s personal to me, it’s there. Anything that’s more resource oriented or communty-related will be in Town, including the guestbook and contact pages.
- I’ve added a disclaimer to my main page that visitors should be 18+ to explore the site. I’m an adult, and while I don’t intend to have anything particularly explicit, I also don’t want to feel like I have to censor myself for minors so if you explore my site you agree you’re at least 18+.
- I have also added a disclaimer to my cottage subdomain. In the past people have been extremely dramatic about some of the posts and ideologies I’ve shared, despite having warning pages, people don’t listen and I doubt they’ll listen this time either, but in order to enter the cottage at all you have to literally confirm that you agree you’re tolerant of ideologies that are different from or may oppose your own. If you don’t agree, it takes you back to the main domain. But I do expect if the internet is going to make a fuss over content warnings, and as a webmaster if I bother to go through the trouble of making content warnings for those people for the very purpose of helping them avoid said content, then don’t make it a waste of my time. This is a curtesy, not something I have to do, so listen to the content warnings. If you know you get offended or really riled up over people’s ideologies and views that are different or oppose your own, then don’t lie about your tolerance and click agree. Lol. Seriously, it defeats the purpose of having content warnings at all. I’ve had some people in the past try and turn it around on me as well and pretend they didn’t know what they were getting into despite the content warnings. Like huns, you knew 100% what you were getting into, so don’t pretend to be naive. That’s not going to fly because I told you upfront what you were getting into. You had to physically click a button in order to see the content you were warned about, so don’t pretend like that isn’t on you either. I’m not responsible for the choices you make, only you are. ANYWAYS. I am again upfront with this when entering my cottage. I’m going to say what I want there, if people want to come in anyways and lie when pressing that agree button, it’s fully on them if they get offended by something that’s in there. That section of my site is far more personal, it’s my “house”, I’ll talk about what I want there.
- The Pillow Fort is still under construction, though, I’m probably going to be renaming it as I’ve found a social network called Pillowfort and I don’t want to get in any kind of trouble with them or people think I’m copying them, because it is going to be a sort of social network, but it is going to be very different from the Pillowfort social network. I want this section of my site to be used as a means to help introduce my friends and family to the small web, so it will be private, at least to start. I’ll add social networking features to it, but the primary feature of it is to allow them to create their very own personal web pages. Give them a taste of what creating a website for fun and creative self expression can be like. I want to make it beginner friendly as well so that people who are used to social platforms like Facebook or Twitter/X can easily figure it out. I think if we want to bring more people into the small web and away from corrupt big tech platforms, we really gotta make an effort to make it as intuitive as possible. Neocities is great for people who already have coding knowledge, but you need to really have that knowledge before hand and it is not a good option for people who are only used to mainstream social platforms who aren’t so techy. So this is the goal for this section of the website.
- The Cafe is another project that’s still under construction. It’s going to be a cozy small web cat cafe forum. It will also be gamified and have its own social network with profiles, timelines, maybe even stories similarly to IG or Facebook (MAYBE). π It will be 100% small web focused though. Unlike big tech social platforms, you won’t have to worry about your data being harvested for advertising or any other purpose. You’ll be able to choose your privacy settings. There won’t be any algorithms, everything will be in order and you can curate your own feeds, follow what you want, no shadowbanning. I will likely add some paid options when it comes to gamification or extras, because it will be work maintaining the forum, adding new features, and it would be nice to cover my web hosting costs. But if you don’t want any of the extra fluff, it will be free to join and use enjoyably. But also, I really want this cafe to be a middle ground type forum. It’s going to support responsible and civil free speech, and by that I mean that hate speech is not permitted, but civilly critical speech is permitted. People can express opposing ideologies about sensitive topics without it being inherently hateful or malicious in nature. I think in society today people often have a hard time distinguishing between the two. But I think a healthy society allows for civil discourse. Without being exposed to people who are different than us, there is no progression, there is no communication that can lead to agreeable compromises, and there is no skill building in civil conflict resolution (which the world desperately needs more if, in my opinion). No one’s going to get banned over sharing something others consider to be “misinformation” or conspiracy “theories” either. I’m not going to coddle this community. If you want to find out if something is misinformation or not, you can dig into it yourself. This is going to space where folks of all ideologies can mingle, so don’t expect to be joining another echo chamber where your ideologies get coddled and favored above everyone elses if you choose to express them in conversation. The Cafe, like the rest of my site, will be 18+.
- Resident Services is the new Web Revival section which is still under construction. When it’s finished though it’ll have beautifully laid out areas for information and resources. I’ll even have a section for free resources I’ve made for the community, all free to use, which will include graphics and probably some html/css layouts as well. Another thing I want to add are marketing resources to help people share information with friends and family about the small web, the Fediverse, etc., and just materials to help encourage people to explore these areas of the internet that endorse privacy and freedom away from the corruption and abuses of big tech.
- The Emporium is going to be my online web store for digital products. I might make some full themed web packs featuring html/css layouts that are easy to modify, along with graphics to match the themes. I may also do some printable products. Haven’t entirely brainstormed it all yet but I do know I want to theme it to look like an actual cozy shop with shelves. That’s about all I’ve got so far. xD
I think that covers most of it! It’s a lot but this pretty much lays the foundation for what 2024 will bring here on thecozy.cat. π Thanks for reading!
Mark as read.
I love your new design!! It reminds me of a CYOA townbuilder I played a few years back, I think it was called ‘The Village’ or something like that.
Thanks Jade! That’s kind of the feel I was going for with the talking NPCs and town map sort of thing! So happy you get that vibe. π I’m going to try and add more interactive elements over the next few months as I get further in my web development (I started a course for it this year). I contemplated making each of the NPCs have their own interactive stories too to give more life to them xD but it’ll be awhile before that happens. The vision is still in the early stages!
Your site evolves so quick! I’m curious about what you’re doing behind the scenes to host/develop all of this? I’m a web developer by profession so I’m naturally curious about the details behind it all. π I’d love to chat more about your process if you’re open to talking about it!
Haha indeed it does! It tends to be one of my primary hobbies these days so I spend a lot of time playing around with it, changing things and figuring out which direction I want it all to go. π For hosting, I just have a paid hosting plan and use WordPress (.org version). Found a free WordPress theme I like, then use Elementor to design the layout of each page. Then HTML and CSS for other cosmetic bits, like the animated glowing text on some pages, or animated text to look like a video game NPC dialogue, or surpassing the cosmetic limitations of my free WordPress theme. So it’s a combination of a bunch of things. I use the extent of what plugins can give me in functionality, and if that can’t do everything I want it to, the rest is done with code. Also, it’s both controversial and a sensitive topic, I know a lot of folks have really strong feelings on AI and understandably so, but I’ve also been experimenting a bit with ChatGPT as well for coding in my creative process. I have a college education in graphic design so I understand all about AI coming for everyone’s jobs, etc etc they’ve already come for my job too. But regardless, I’ve decided to experiment with it and see what it can do in combination with my creative process. If I don’t know how to make something, I’ll describe to it in precise detail what I want to achieve and it gives me the code, often times riddled with errors that it doesn’t function quite right but I know enough html and css to tweak it and get things going how I want, but it’s good with providing base codes for some features. I find it’s also helping me learn to code as I go. It’s a non-conventional way of learning code, but I’m definitely picking things up the more I use it. But no matter the controversy regarding AI, at the end of the day, this site is really just a hobby for me. It keeps my mind busy, it’s is a great creative outlet, my site provides the majority of features I want in social media without all the privacy invasive trash and data harvesting that comes along with big tech platforms. It’s my own little world and I really did work hard and spend a lot of time making it. π But I hope that answers your questions behind the process of it all and isn’t too disappointing π
Yes absolutely, totally answers my question, and not at all disappointing! π That’s interesting too, because I feel like a lot of WordPress sites conform to a single layout and aesthetic and yours seemed more unique, so it led me to wonder if you were doing more than that. I’ve been learning an important lesson on simplicity when it comes to web design. Professionally, I use larger frameworks while building websites so I’m used to things being overly complicated, and I’ve tried to slim down for my personal “old web” projects. Also, I am NOT a designer, so designing my site updates takes me 10x longer than actually building it. π Hence me being so impressed with your speed of iteration here! And you’ll get no judgement from me for using AI like that, especially as a learning tool. I think for the most part people are right to be cautious about it, and I’m sympathetic to the creative professionals who have to battle with AI more directly, but I personally think there’s great benefit in using tools like ChatGPT for personal improvement. I wish it was around when I first learned to code. πThanks for sharing all of that!
Ah, I’m relieved! Haha I wasn’t sure the response I’d get once I let that cat out of the bag. π Thanks for being really cool about it! I think it’s really cool what you’ve done with your own site, even if it’s more simplistic than what you normally work with. I’d love to see some of the projects you’ve worked on if you’re up to sharing them! It’s always amazing to me when I see folks able to build their sites all from code. My methods are a bit chaotic and I have more fragmented knowledge in a bunch of things that it just somehow works. xD But often times I stumble across people’s websites that have the little “hand-coded” button displayed and it always amazes me what people can do completely from scratch. I did take an HTML/CSS course awhile back, but found there weren’t really enough practice exercises to totally retain the knowledge I was gaining within that course. On the plus side with chatGPT, it explains in the comment tags the changes that it makes in the code and how it effects things which is so useful for learning. After awhile of using this I really want to go back to my HTML/CSS course and see if it’s easier for me to understand and retain.
Thanks for being really cool Gloogo! It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. π
Yeah that makes sense, but it sure seems like you’re not being held back! WordPress really has come a long way from when I first looked into it years ago. And yeah, most of my professional projects are for tech companies’ web applications, so it’s hard to show those off exactly. I do plan on bringing back some of my personal projects on my links page once I get those cleaned up, but right now I don’t have a lot of public stuff ready… π But anyway, I’m not at all familiar with WordPress, and it seems like you’ve got a great direction, but if you ever wanted any help with raw coding or needed any resources let me know! I hope I could be helpful. βΊοΈ
Totally understandable. π I look forward to seeing your personal projects once you have them up! And that’s absolutely okay, it all takes time. So long as you enjoy the process that’s the main thing. π
Thank you very much for your kind offer! I may just take you up on that some day. Same goes for you, if you ever need ideas or help with the design side of things, you know where to find me. π Or even if anything from my own site inspires you design wise, you’re most welcome to take whatever inspiration you find here and create something similar. I’m excited to follow along on your journey! (P.S. Thanks for pinging me on your neighbor request! I’ve gone ahead and added you to my mutuals section as well. βΊοΈ)